The TRACKER for DIY Bookkeeping...

Know Exactly Where Your Money Is Coming From & Where It Went

Purchase the Tracker

Monitor Your Expenses

See your expenses at a glance by category, by month, and all, yielding into overview report with graphs.

Monitor Income

Track your sales by month and number of sales/transactions, yielding into overview reports with graphs and previous years.

Monitor Your Profit

The Tracker publishes a profit & loss report where you can see your Revenue minus Expenses resulting in Net Income.


Emilia Lopez

Hi there and Welcome!
I'm Emilia, and I'm here to help Online Entrepreneurs streamline their business finances. With my 3-STAGE solution, you can choose the right approach for your current needs, complete with essential resources and tools.
Stage 1: DIY Bookkeeping

Every business, regardless of size, needs a solid accounting foundation. If you're keen to manage your own books until you're ready for the next level of growth, start with the Small Business Bookkeeping Tracker in Google Sheets.

Stage 2: DWY (Done With You) Setup

With DWY, I'll help you set up your accounting books and chart of accounts, ensuring your bookkeeping aligns with your business goals. This stage is essential for managing cash flow effectively and setting the stage for long-term success. One of the most popular reports, the Profit & Loss statement, will give you insights into profits, margins, and the cost of goods.
Stage 3: DFY (Done For You) Bookkeeping Services
Finally, with DFY bookkeeping, I take the reins, handling all the details to produce the financial reports that are necessary for every business that wants to Expand!

Your success is at your fingertips.

Choose what works for you best at this time.


Master your business finances all by yourself with this Small Business Bookkeeping Tracker in Google Sheets

Click the button below:

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